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Our Big Conversation

People taking part in a consultation event in north east London

Our Big Conversation is just one of the ways that we are working together with our local partners in the North East London Health and Care Partnership to listen to and engage with people in our communities.

Over the summer of 2023, we had conversations with more than 2,000 people across north east London. We listened to feedback received through an online survey, and we held face to face sessions and community events in each of our Places. Through asking open questions, we had many rich and deep conversations which helped us to understand more about what matters to local people.

It has helped us to understand local views about health, care and wellbeing, so we can focus on improving what we do. This is an ongoing dialogue and set of conversations which we will continue to hold into the future.

Based on what we already know about the needs of local people and what residents have told us before, the Big Conversation focused on asking people open questions about our four priorities for improving quality and outcomes and tackling health inequalities. These are: 

  • Babies, children and young people
  • Long term conditions
  • Mental health
  • Local employment and workforce

Our online survey saw 1,000 people share their views on:

  • Our four ICS priorities
  • Living a healthy life, voice and influence and receiving care
  • Experiences of using health and care services in north east London

Our face to face sessions and community events included:

  • Eight drop in sessions in places across north east London using facilitated table discussions to enable detailed discussion on the four priorities
  • Presence at community events including the Wanstead (Redbridge) Disability Festival and the Waltham Forest women’s health event organised with the network of mosques
  • Targeted focus groups, with communities whose voices were not heard through the online survey (where 53% of those who responded were white British and 73% were women). This helped us to ensure we were hearing from as many different voices as we could.
  • Ad hoc sessions e.g. informal discussions with Romanian community in high road cafes

What happens next?

The feedback from our Big Conversation has helped to shape our health, care and wellbeing in north east London.

It has also helped us to develop a set of success measures which will help local people, stakeholders and our staff to understand how we are making a difference to people’s health and wellbeing. These measures will also check how well we are delivering good care and where we need to make improvements.

Over summer and autumn 2024, we will be testing these measures further with local people and stakeholders to make sure we have captured their priorities and that the measures we are proposing make sense and look realistic. This will then enable future Big Conversations to get up and running.

The final set of success measures will then be confirmed by the North East London Health and Care Partnership and we will report each year on our progress.


Big Conversation

Download a summary of who responded to our Big Conversation survey and events.


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