North East London Health & Care Partnership logo

City and Hackney

We are responsible for planning and buying health services for people living in the City of London and Hackney and making sure they meet the needs of local residents.

In City & Hackney, it’s our job to make sure that you receive high quality healthcare services whenever you need them – whether this is advice from a pharmacist or GP, a procedure in hospital, help at home through local community services, or if you need support with your mental health.

We do this by making sure all parts of the local health system work effectively together by working in collaboration with health partners, local authority and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector, alongside residents, patients and service users.

Please email with any other NHS North East London queries, including any specific to City and Hackney.

Place partnerships

These partnerships bring together the NHS, local government and providers of health and social care services, including the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, residents and communities, to provide a strong understanding of what works well and what is needed by local communities. As well as the ability to integrate local services across health and care and the levers to tackle some of the wider things that impact health, such as housing and employment. We have a three-year integrated delivery plan (2022-24) that merges the NEL ICS partnership priorities, NHS Long Term Plan and the local health and wellbeing strategic focus areas to continue prioritising the residents we serve.

Plans for these partnerships are in development and we expect them to work and develop differently depending on a range of local factors. They will identify how to better meet the needs of the local population and reduce health inequalities, through their own priorities and outcomes.

They will be the bedrock of integration of health and care services, ensuring that services are wrapped around residents who need them at place and at a more local ‘neighbourhood’ level through integration and primary care networks – GP practices working together in their areas.

In City and Hackney, our place partnership brings together a variety of partners to commission and deliver health, care and wellbeing services to our patients and residents.  Our partners include:

Our key priorities as a place partnership are:

  • Deliver a shift in resource and focus on prevention to improve the long-term health and wellbeing of local people and address health inequalities
  • Deliver proactive community-based care closer to home and outside of institutional settings where appropriate
  • Ensure we maintain financial balance as a system and achieve our financial plans
  • Deliver integrated care which meets the physical, mental health and social needs of our diverse communities
  • Empower patients and residents
North East London Health and Care Partnership

NHS North East London is part of North East London Health and Care Partnership. This is a formal alliance of health, care and community partners that works with and for all the people of north east London to create meaningful improvements in health, wellbeing and equity.

We want to make sure that local people across City and Hackney have access to the care and support they need. We will actively seek opportunities to work alongside residents and communities to co-design solutions to some of the challenges we face. We are always keen to find out what our local communities in City and Hackney think and feel about their local NHS and care services through a range of activities including surveys, focus groups and workshops, as well as through partner organisations and patient forums.

You can get involved in a variety of ways:



City and Hackney Place-based Partnership – Integrated Delivery Plan 2022/24

The City and Hackney partnership brings together health and social care organisations who have committed to work together to support improved outcomes and reduce inequalities for its local population.


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