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Our Good Care Framework and success measures

Post it notes on paper with people's views on health and care services

In our Working with People and Communities strategy, the North East London Health and Care Partnership made a commitment to collaborate with local people, and develop a way we would measure how our health and care system is delivering against the aims and ambitions set out in our draft Integrated Care Strategy.

This means local people, partners and our stakeholders will be able to see measurable and meaningful improvements in the quality of care and health services, as well as in the health outcomes for local people.

About the Good Care Framework

The feedback we received through the Big Conversation, and other feedback from people across the area, showed there are five key pillars to what makes Good Care. Good Care should be:

  • Accessible
  • Competent
  • Person centred
  • Trustworthy
  • Enable everyone to thrive

Measuring our success in achieving Good Care

We will measure our progress towards delivering Good Care using success measures. We have now developed a set of draft success measures, which were informed by feedback received through the Big Conversation, and by the existing outcomes frameworks developed by:

  • Our four strategic priority programmes
    • Enabling Babies, Children, Young People and Families to Thrive
    • Enabling Improved Mental Health and Wellbeing
    • Living Well with Long Term Conditions
    • Employment and Workforce)
  • Our seven Place-based Partnerships
  • Our local collaboratives
  • Other strategic programmes
  • Published outcomes frameworks including those developed by local authority partners

Our single Outcomes Framework brings all these frameworks together into a single set of measures which will be agreed by all organisations in the North East London Health and Care Partnership.

What are our draft success measures?

  1. We want to receive trustworthy, accessible, competent and person-centred care from health and care staff.
  • Increase in people experiencing good care: across the dimensions of trustworthy, competent, accessible and person-centred.
  1. We want to see agencies/organisations working well together and to know where they can go to get help/answers.
  • People living longer and healthier lives
  • Improved health equity amongst all communities in north east London.
  1. We want more ways to support people’s wellbeing – to be physically and mentally well – in their local communities.
  • Reduction in people reporting that they are socially isolated
  • Reduced rates of childhood obesity in each of the Places across north east London
  • Reduction in the rate of increase in long term conditions across north east London.
  1. We want it to be easier to find work within the north east London health and care system.
  • Reduction in numbers of local people in employment in health and care who experience in work poverty. These are most likely to be disabled people and households with children
  • % increase in numbers of people who enter and remain employed (on a paid or voluntary basis) in health and social care locally who also live in north east London.
  1. We want straight forward access to care, especially to primary care.
  • People living longer and healthier lives
  • Improved health equity amongst all communities in north east London.

Next steps

From Summer 2024, we will be testing these draft success measures with partners and wil local people and communities.

They will then be agreed by the North East London Health and Care Partnership as these are measures for our whole health, care and wellbeing system, not just for NHS organisations.

Conversations will include looking at how we could reference wider determinants of health, including quality of housing and air pollution.

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