At the NHS we want our patients to have the best experience possible and having continuous patient feedback is crucial in helping us deliver what patients want and need.
The national Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) asks for feedback from cancer patients (16 years and over), to inform and improve local cancer services across England.
Those who were treated for cancer as an inpatient or day-case and left hospital in April, May or June 2022, will be invited to take part in the survey from 17 November.
The NHS and cancer charities use the results to understand what is working well and which areas need improvement. The results enable them to identify national and local priorities and work with patients and partners to deliver change.
If you are invited to take part, please fill out the questionnaire and have your say. Every response helps us to deliver the best possible service to patients.
If you need support completing the survey or need it made available in another language, you can call the helpline number for free on 0800 103 2804.
For more information on the survey please visit the national CPES webpage.
What is the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey about?
Richard Stephens, patient representative on the CPES advisory group, said: “CPES gives us a chance to comment on the NHS service, to give praise where it is due, and to identify where things are not quite as we would wish. CPES is the tool that thousands of patients every year have used to improve our NHS and to improve care for the patients of the future, and the responses provide vast amounts of evidence for researchers looking for evidence as to what works best – for us, the patients.
“I’ve been able to help shape the survey, and I have seen how influential it can be, most obviously in shaping national policy. Since the Cancer Strategy of 2015, the NHS has been tasked with regarding Patient Experience as being just as important as clinical outcomes, and much of the evidence for that change came from CPES findings. Patients said loudly and clearly that what mattered was not just the cancer pathway and where that ended up, but the quality of our experience along our journey.”