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Homerton Hospital nominated for HSJ award

Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has been nominated for the Freedom to Speak Up award in recognition for its dedication to promoting staff wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic. The prestigious national award is part of the Health Services Journal (HSJ) Awards.

The Trust utilised its Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) guardian, Jacqui McIntosh, to encourage employees to voice their concerns during the onset of the pandemic. This led to a podcast series on speaking up entitled Our Homerton Voices, as well as webinars and information stalls set up in the staff restaurant. The more employees came forward, the more changes the Trust was able to implement to improve the staff experience and the wellbeing of its people.

Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is also shortlisted in two other categories in collaboration with its north east London healthcare partners: “Innovation and improvement in reducing healthcare inequalities” and “Place-based Partnership of the Year.” The award ceremony will take place on 23 March 2023 at Evolution in Lon