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City & Hackney ranked sixth in England for children’s mental health services

In a report by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC), NHS City & Hackney CCG is ranked sixth in England in terms of children’s access to mental health services. The report is aimed to assess children’s ability to access Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services (CYPMHS) in England in 2020/21.

The report ranks 135 CCGs between 1st April 2020 and 31st March 2021. At the time, NHS City & Hackney was an independent CCG prior to merging with six other CCGs to form North East London Clinical Commissioning Group (NEL CCG) on 1st April 2021.

The figures are scored from NHS Digital and NHS England, which examines both national and local Clinical Commissioning Group, in these areas:

  • Spending on children’s mental health
  • Numbers of children referred to and accessing CYPMHS
  • Numbers of children referred that were not accepted into treatment during the 2019/20 financial year, as proxied by the numbers not receiving two contacts with CYPMHS
  • Average waiting times

A summary score is provided (best possible score is 25) based on the five key indicators are:

  1. CCG spending on children’s mental health as a percentage of total CCG allocation
  2. Mental health spend per child – calculated using NHS Five Year Forward View for Mental Health spending figures and ONS mid 2020 CCG population estimates
  3. Total number of children referred to children’s mental health services as a proportion of the under-18 population
  4. The percentage of referrals that are closed before treatment
  5. Average waiting time for children who receive a second contact

Read the full report here.