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Learning from lives and deaths – People with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR programme)

What is the LeDeR programme?

The LeDeR programme reviews all deaths of people with a learning disability aged 4 years and over and adults aged over 18 years known to have had a formal diagnosis of autism (without a learning disability).

Anyone can report a death of a person who was known to have had a learning disability or autism or both to the LeDeR programme. You can do this via this link:

Why was the programme set up?

People with a learning disability and autism are more likely to die of avoidable causes and face health inequalities compared to those without a learning disability and autism. They are more likely to experience a number of both physical and mental health conditions.

The LeDeR programme was set up to drive improvement in the quality of health and social care service delivery for people with a learning disability and autism, leading to improved health outcomes and reduced health inequalities.

Reviews are completed by qualified health and/or social care professionals. The reviewing process involves examination of records and engaging with family members/ carers and putting together the individuals’ pathway of care and support leading up to the persons’ death. Findings from these completed reviews are shared with relevant service providers for necessary improvements to be made in our services.

Annual reports

Annual reports are published every year demonstrating how NHS North East London ICB is delivering on local actions addressing areas identified by LeDeR reviews. You can also find these in our publications library.

Get in touch

If you have any queries about the published information, please contact Beatrice Kivengea, LeDeR Programme Manager at

For any other enquiries, please email:

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