How can we work together across north east London to change things and improve our mental health? We are inviting patients, service users, carers and people with lived experience of mental health services to join us at this summit. The main focus will be on how we can work together to create a vision of what a mental health care system shaped and led by people with lived experience could look and feel like.
Tickets for in-person summit
Leyton Orient FC Stadium
Wednesday 21 September, 10.00 am – 3.00 pm
For people that can’t attend the in-person event, an online summit is taking place on 23 September.
Tickets for online summit
Friday 23 September 12.00 pm – 3.00 pm
Putting Service Users & Carers in the Driving Seat.
The NEL Mental Health Summit will be an opportunity to share your experiences of mental health services with others, to describe what mental health means to you and to ensure that learning is made from where things could have been done better.
Above all, we want you to take a leading role in making sure that real, lasting improvements are put into action.
Whether you have accessed mental health care through NHS services, social care or voluntary, faith or charity organisations, we welcome you to attend!
The future of mental health care will be about ensuring that treatment isn’t about the health professional’s care plan, but is far more radical – it will take into account all the factors that make for a good and improving quality of life.
This includes thinking about how to take account of all the issues that affect people’s mental health – issues like housing, finance, our physical surroundings as well as what it means to be a valued member of a community.
We know that experts with lived experience of health services are best placed to know the issues that need to be addressed and what changes are crying out for action. And above all, they have the determination and expertise to lead the changes they want to see.
The power of patient leadership in envisioning, planning and managing a transformed mental health service is the future, and we really want you to be a part of that.
The summit has been organised by mental health service users, with support from the North East London Integrated Care Board (NEL ICB), North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) and East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT).