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The ‘Big Conversation’ in north east London

The ’Big Conversation’ is about listening to the people in our communities, hearing their thoughts about health, care and wellbeing in north east London and, most importantly, acting on them. It will help us focus on what matters to local people and to work with them and you, our partners, to improve truly quality and outcomes and address inequalities. 

The ‘Big Conversation’ builds on our recently published interim integrated care strategy that is turning our ambitions into actions and is an opportunity to focus on what matters to local people.

Based on what we already know and what local people have told us in the past, we are focusing on four priorities for improving quality and outcomes and tackling health inequalities. These are:

  • Babies, children and young people
  • Long term conditions
  • Mental health
  • Local employment and workforce

Through the Big Conversation we will explore this in more detail. 

We have launched a survey for residents to complete.

We are also holding a series of ‘Big Conversation’ events in each of our areas throughout June and July. These are open to everyone to come and talk to us about what is important to them. Find out when are where they’re taking place here

We will develop a report on our findings and how we will take these forward which we will share at an event planned for Autumn 2023.