A service developed by City & Hackney’s Primary Care Team was announced on the NHS Parliamentary Awards shortlist on Monday, 13 June 2022. The Homeless and Vulnerable Person Outreach Service (HVPOS) – hosted by East London Foundation Trust (ELFT) – is one of seven nominees for The Excellence in Primary Care and Community Care Award.
HVPOS was formed in May 2020 as a response to the “Everyone In” government policy initiative, implemented to provide temporary accommodation for everyone experiencing rough sleeping and a range of other forms of homelessness during the Covid-19 pandemic. The team successfully managed to connect and build relationships with historically non-engaging patients or patients not registered with three practices over two years.
The service was developed and commissioned by C&H Primary Care Team with Dr. Mohit Venkataram, ELFT’s Executive Director for Primary Care and GP Clinical Lead for Mental Health, Rhiannon England, at the forefront.
The NHS Parliamentary Awards recognises the large contribution made by the individuals who work in and alongside the NHS. Over 700 nominations were submitted with half of MPs representing constituencies in England doing so. Dame Meg Miller DBE MP for Hackney South and Shoreditch made the HVPOS nomination.
The NHS Parliamentary Awards will be held on Wednesday, 6 July 2022 in Westminster. Visit the website to see the full shortlist of nominees.