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Had a baby through IVF or assisted conception? Or is this something you’re thinking about? We want to hear from you.

We’ve set out which fertility treatments to help people try to have a baby we think that we, the NHS in your area, should fund and who should be able to get this treatment. The aim is not to reduce the treatments that we fund or who is eligible to have them. We want to make it so that wherever you live in north east London, you are able to have the same fertility treatment. What we are proposing is likely to increase the amount of treatment you can have, depending on where you live, and improve access to some treatments.

This is your chance to influence NHS decisions and treatments.

We want to hear your views on our proposals. Don’t miss your chance to have your say – fill in our short survey by 11.59pm on 22 August 2022.

Want to know more?

You can find more information on this page of our website, including an engagement document and simplified version which explain why we are proposing changes to fertility treatment, what the proposed changes are, who was involved in creating the proposed new policy, and explanations of the treatments.

You can also join an online public event where you will hear from local medical experts and can ask questions about the proposed changes to the NHS help available for people who are trying to get pregnant. You can sign-up to attend one of the below events by clicking this link.

  • Friday 29 July, 12-1.30pm
  • Wednesday 3 August, 6-7.30pm

The events are open to all, so please share this information with your family and friends. A recording from a previous event is available below if you can’t attend.

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Dr Anju Gupta, local GP and NHS North East London Clinical Lead, and Alison Glynn, Head of Commissioning and Contract Management, talk through the reasons why we are proposing changes to local NHS help to try and have a baby. This video was recorded from a virtual public information session that took place on 20 July 2022.

To note, in the video we refer to ‘NEL ICB’ – this is North East London Integrated Care Board, the statutory name of the new NHS organisation in north east London that replaced the North East London Clinical Commissioning Group on 1 July 2022, and who is responsible for developing the proposed policy.