It’s back! The #ZeroWasteHackney challenge, hosted by Hackney Council, returns in September 2022. This is an opportunity for all residents in Hackney to take part in this competition to see who can minimise their waste the most. Top winners will receive cash prizes, as well as credits to spend towards borrowing useful household good for cleaning, gardening, DIY and more from the Library of Things.
The Zero Waste challenge started in 2019 to help foster zero waste habits. In its fourth year (there was not a break during the Covid-19 pandemic), the goal is to reduce non-recyclable waste as much as possible, save money by following the tips and attend the events.
To take part, register for free by Wednesday, 31 August 2022. After that, a starter pack and guide will be sent to your email address, along with daily challenges and invitations to workshops and events. You must track your progress each week to be eligible for the prizes, including the top prize of £50.
Visit Hackney Council website for more information.