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Have your say on the future of maternity and neonatal care

Asian couple holding a new born baby in a maternity unit.

We want to make sure pregnant women and people, babies and their families receive the best possible care in north east London. 

We have found that in north east London we have a growing population, more complicated pregnancies and births, more babies needing medical care when they are born, and health inequalities that impact pregnancies, births and babies.

This tells us we need to make some changes to maternity and neonatal services and there are opportunities to make sure our services remain safe, high quality and accessible for all.

We want to hear from you about how we can improve care for parents, babies and their families.

Please read the information on this page and tell us what you think of what our review of maternity and neonatal care has found, by filling in our online survey by 11.59pm on 8 September 2024.

About our review

Find out more about our maternity and neonatal review below.

We want to make sure all babies born in north east London have the best possible start in life and that their parents experience the best possible pregnancy and birth.

An important part of this is making sure our services are able to support this, and are able to support the needs of the growing number of people who live in our area.

To do this, the NHS in north east London is working on a programme to look at maternity and neonatal care.

This work is being led by clinicians and we are working together across health and care organisations in the area in an open and collaborative way to develop this programme.

Since early this year, we have been working together to understand what type of care and support pregnant women and people, and babies need, how many people may need these services in the future, and what the best ways are of delivering care.

To do this, we have considered information from families, NHS staff and community representatives, reviewed service data, and looked at areas such as population growth, inequalities and health needs. No decisions about services have been made.

We will continue to involve local women and people, their families, staff, and stakeholders to help us to shape services that provide the best care to pregnant women and people, babies and their families.

Here is a summary of what we found:

  • The birth rate is growing - the number of babies born in north east London will continue to increase as the number of people living in north east London grows.
  • Women and people are having more complicated pregnancies and births, so more people need the right hospital-based care. This will continue to grow.
  • Our neonatal beds are often full making delivering care to babies at the right place and at the right time challenging. It also means some babies have to be cared for in hospitals outside our area.
  • If we continue with the same type of care we have at the moment, the number of beds we have in the places where care needs to be delivered won’t match the number of people needing them in the future.
  • This doesn’t just mean having more beds or space for maternity and neonatal care in our hospitals, there are opportunities to provide care differently to support this need.
  • There are inequalities that can affect the health of the pregnancy and baby for women and people from different population groups.
  • Some pregnant women and people could have less complicated or lower risk pregnancies or births if they receive advice and support earlier.
  • Doing some things differently before and during pregnancy could help make important improvements in these areas and reduce inequalities.
  • Our staff are hard-working, resilient and working together to provide safe care, but they are under huge pressure.
  • With more women and people needing intensive clinical support, and opportunities to provide care differently, we need a workforce and model of care that fits this.
  • Challenges to things like workforce mean some women and people have different options and experiences of birth depending on where they choose to have their baby.

How you can get involved

There are several ways you can get involved in our maternity and neonatal review:

Step 1: Read our case for change

Please read our full Case for Change report or the summary version. These documents explain how maternity and neonatal services work now, what the future needs of local people are expected to be and identifies areas where there may be opportunities to do things better or differently for pregnant women and people, and babies, in the future.

Read More

Step 2: Take part in our survey

We want to hear what you think of the findings. Do they reflect your experiences and are we focusing on what matters most to you? We want to know if you agree with some of the opportunities we have identified to do things differently for pregnant women and people, and babies, and if you have any ideas or suggestions of what else we could do. Your feedback will help inform our future plans and services.

Please tell us what you think by filling in our online survey by 11.59pm on 8 September 2024. You can also download a copy of the survey at the bottom of the page and send it back to us by email or by post to Freepost NHS North East London free of charge.

By completing this survey you can choose to be entered into a prize draw to receive Love to Shop vouchers worth £50 to thank you for your time.

Complete our survey

Step 3: Attend our public information event

You can also attend an online public event on Tuesday 3 September, 6-7.30pm to find out more about the review and ask any questions. Please sign-up to attend by by filling in this short form.  We will then contact you with the link to join online.

Further information

For more information, including how to request these documents as a hard copy or in large print, easy read or a different format or language you can:


Best Start in Life: Engagement and communications report

Download our report on the work that took place to engage people in shaping future maternity and neonatal services.


Best Start in Life: A Case for Change full report

Download our full report on the findings from our maternity and neonatal review.


Best Start in Life: A Case for Change Summary report

Download our summary report on the findings from our maternity and neonatal review.


Best Start in Life Survey - PDF version

Download a copy of our survey and send it back to us by email or by post.


Best Start in Life Survey - Microsoft Word version

Download a copy of our survey and send it back to us by email or by post.


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