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Globe Town Surgery relocation – virtual drop-in session

In Autumn 2021, Globe Town Surgery will be relocated to Sutton’s Wharf, Palmers Road, London E2 0TA as Suttons Wharf Health Centre. The practice is relocating because the new site offers a more modern building with improved facilities for you as a patient.

The Practice will work hard to ensure that disruption is kept to a minimum, and you can keep up to date throughout the relocation process by visiting

How to share your views:

We have arranged a drop-in sessions (dial in option provided), where you can discuss any concerns and ask any questions that you may have on:

July 29, 5pm – 6pm via zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 886 4941 6445
Passcode: 415872

The dial in details are 0330 088 5830 – followed by the meeting ID and passcode.