October is Black History Month and in celebrating and remembering important people and events, the north east London local maternity system is launching “Celebrating Black Women’s Births”, a webinar that celebrates births in Black African and Black Caribbean communities, and explores the role of the Covid-19 vaccination in ensuring safety in pregnancy and fertility.
Pregnancy and fertility are increasingly being discussed as themes in the Covid-19 vaccination conversation. These themes can bring with them fears and concerns, either of your own or those faced by partners or loved ones, whether you are pregnant or you are planning to become pregnant in the future. We know that the outcomes for Black African and Black Caribbean women during childbirth and pregnancy are poorer than we want them to be. What can we do collectively to celebrate Black women’s birth and ensure safety and wellbeing during pregnancy and fertility?
This webinar is aimed to explore and address:
- Celebrate births in the Black African and Black Caribbean communities.
- In celebrating Black women’s births, how can we ensure safety and wellbeing during pregnancy and fertility? What role does the Covid-19 vaccination have in ensuring safety and better outcomes?
- Directly address fears and concerns that both pregnant women, partners and their loved ones and staff supporting Black women can experience when being asked questions relating to fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding and the Covid-19 vaccination.
- Provide expert Q&A space for staff working within maternity services and primary care or aligned health and care services.
- Combine practical advice with the current clinical expertise to give pregnant women the tools needed to address questions and discussions on this very important theme, recognising the experience of Black women in maternity services.
Join this webinar with a subject matter expert panel including Diane Jones (Chief Nurse and Caldicott Guardian, NEL CCG), Dr Elizabeth Egbase (Consultant Obstetrician, Royal London Hospital), Dr Jagan John (GP in east London and Chair, NEL CCG) and Rosemary Idiaghe (Consultant Midwife, Queen’s Hospital – BHRUT).
Zoom meeting joining link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85877260776?pwd=Z3VoTGs4ZHZ3cnNmaFIxeFgyYU1hUT09
Meeting ID: 858 7726 0776
Meeting passcode: celebrate
Can’t make it? We’ve got you! Email your questions or comments to elhcp.maternity@nhs.net and we will ensure these are answered as part of this recorded webinar, which will be available to watch back by Friday 5 November, 2021.