This is a walk-in health and vaccination event.
The North East Springfield PCN are delivering 2 campaign dates in July to aim for immunisation uptake rates to improve before the summer holidays, prior to the Jewish schools breaking up in August. The girl’s schools break up on Friday 2nd August, and the boys on Friday 9th August. Parents are far less likely to immunise if at all before going on holiday/travelling/summer camps etc, citing potential and perceived side effects, hence the timing of the campaign dates on Sunday 21st and 28th of July in advance of the schools breaking up work best.
The advert was co-produced with 2 groups of Charedi mothers in the community. When asked what would encourage immunisation before the summer holidays, they stated the main emphasis should be captured in ‘socialising safely’ – getting ready or preparing ahead of the summer holidays’ with camps and travelling being the important key factors to highlight. We spoke about the heightened risk of infectious diseases, with children mixing in the camps for those partially immunised or unvaccinated.
The health visiting team will be present to carry out health reviews for 6 – 8 week baby checks (inc having baby weighed), 8 – 10 months or 27 months in supporting our campaign to combine health visiting reviews. This is with the aim of families immunising at the 8 weeks point for first imms onwards in line with schedule. Dental advice and free Kosher toothbrush packs will also be given out on the day.